Monday, May 26, 2014

Blessed are the curious, for they shall have Adventures.

It has been a week since, I was in the city that stole my heart. A week since I walked the cobble stone streets of Italy, ate a gelato a day and was constantly surrounded by the greatest group of friends I’ve ever met. I can officially say that I’m amongst the lucky few “20 something’s” that life has been forever changed by studying abroad. I’ve experienced things and places that some people only are able to grasp at in their dreams. To say that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world would be the biggest understatement. I feel so accomplished and full of pride; I guess this is how you feel when you achieve a dream. I know I’ve said this a million times, but I’m truly blessed beyond measure.

            To avoid an extremely emotional post, I waited a week because I was in and out of tears walking around Florence my last day, packing, saying goodbye to my friends and on the plane. I had so many mixed emotions, I probably could have written a novel! I felt ready to come home, and anxious to get back to “reality” but a part of me was dying inside because I knew I had to say goodbye to the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I decided I couldn’t look it that way, and I had to keep the light and positivity that I’ve gained with me as I come home and finish school.

            Now that I’ve had time to process- it’s still mind blowing that I just lived in Italy, I don’t know if that will ever hit me- I’ve had time to sit back and think about what made Florence so special. I’ve talked a lot about my travels around Europe, but I didn’t give Florence the credit or love it deserves. To give you a little insight of my day-to-day adventure and just a few of the many reasons I adore Italy, with the help of my friends, I created a list of the... 

Top 10 Best Things About studying Abroad in Florence!

            This was actually my final project for my journalism class, but I had fun reminiscing with my friends about the reasons we chose Florence and why we loved our time abroad. It was actually funny that all of our reasons were mostly the same, everyone had a little different twist or personal story, but in the end, this is what we all agreed on.

This is a love letter to Florence and a “chin chin” to the best city in the world...

1. The small town feel: When first arriving to Florence, you would think it was a large city, but after 4 months, you become friends with the locals, store owners and see all your friends walking the streets daily. Florence at first can seem intimidating, but there is nothing like the Florentine people. They are always so patient, generous and loving to the American students. When traveling on the weekends, coming back to Florence, feels like coming back home. For all of us Florence truly became our home. When will we ever live in 100 year old apartments in the heart of one of the most famous cities?! 

2. Walking everywhere: When in Florence you ditch your car and walk around everywhere. At first this seemed like a daunting task because of the cobble stone streets (the amount of times we tripped and oh, forget walking in heels!), but you learned to love the simplicity of walking, and that everything you could possibly need, is within walking distance. When you walk, you got to take in the scenery, breathe in the scents of the bakeries and watch the Italians interact with each other (when I mean interact I mean aggressively makeout)…There was always something new on your daily walks and it was always refreshing.

3. The history, art and architecture: Florence itself is a work of art and one big museum. It was the playground of Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli and Galileo-talk about awe-inspiring! Everywhere you look is more beautiful than the next and normally has some historical content behind it (Walking past the Duomo daily never got old). Obviously, Michelangelo’s David is one of Florence's famous masterpiece, but if you dig a little deeper, you can find hidden gems all around the city. We all had our favorite “unique” spots, but most of us loved across the river, were the “real” Italians lived. If you ever make it there, sit in Piazza Santo Spirito for a couple of hours and bask in the simple beauty and people watch-it’s magnificent.

4. Location: The Toscana region is one of the most beautiful regions in all of Italy. The climate, winding green hills and vineyards are the unique qualities to this region. It honestly is postcard perfect, just like you would see in the movies. It is also only hours within Siena, Pisa, Venice and Rome, so it's easy to hit all the major landmarks in Italy (and take all the touristy pictures). As an abroad student, Florence was the best location to travel to and from. It was so easy and quick access to the airport, trains and buses- that’s why I was able to travel to different places so easily.

5. Food: Naturally, the Italian food would be anyone’s favorite part of studying in Italy, but no one does food like Florence! Between the multiple markets, restaurants and osteria’s, you'll have no problem gaining a few extra pounds on gelato, pizza, panini’s, and pasta! Some Florentine favorites are: Pappa al pomodoro, Ribolita, Pear Ravioli, Bisteca Fiorentina and wine, wine and more wine. Obviously my obsession with gelato is well noted…there will somehow be imported Italian gelato at my wedding someday, so come one, come all…  Buon Appetito! 

6. Fashion: Florence is one of the top fashion cities in all of Italy. Florentines always dress their best, and are always wearing something chic and elegant. From high-end fashion designers (Florence is the birthplace of Gucci) to the leather markets, the shopping options are unlimited. Everyday, the outfits of the locals are unique and inspire you to dress more like a “true Italian." If you didn’t at least attempt to blend, they would call you out for being American, and have it be known that it is not ok to walk around in workout gear, it is not cool or fashionable there! Ooops!  

7. The other students abroad:  Any abroad student you crossed paths with instantly became your best friend and Florence family. Everyone was so outgoing, positive and open to all new things. You see the worst and best in people when traveling and it's important to be surrounded by people who always manage to make fun out of every awkward and uncomfortable situation, like 14-hour bus rides!  You make lifelong connections and share a bond unlike any other friendship. Friends abroad enhance your outlook and forever change your life. It was so hard saying goodbye, but now we have friends all around the states now and I know it wasn’t a true goodbye, it’s a “I’ll see you soon.”

8. Nightlife: The streets of Florence are always popping and on any given night there is something to do. Our nights were never boring (never) and we always left with a good/funny story. Let me tell you, as handsome as the Italian men may have been, they were a little too grabby and touchy and I speak for all girls when I say, it isn’t the saddest thing in the world not to have to be at clubs with them anymore…flattering, but sometimes too much! Another great thing about going out was everyone danced (my favorite part), you could walk home and could always count on late night pizza and secret bakeries!

9. Lifestyle: La Bella vida of the Italians. Generally speaking, Europeans have such a different outlook on life, love and work. They enjoy every moment, and never rush to get to place to place (Even just a week of being home, I feel stressed to get somewhere). The relaxed lifestyle makes you appreciate the simple blessings in life and leaves you feeling less stressed and anxious. The passionate manners of Italians are also admirable. From their relationships to the food they eat, there is always time, love and effort put into all they do. I really wish Americans would adopt this lifestyle. It makes you so much calmer and opens your eyes to what’s really important.

10. Life lessons:  Oh boy, where to begin. Living in Florence has made me and many of my friends the “best version of ourselves." We will always have a special relationship with Florence for all the continuous lessons it has taught us. We learned to step outside our comfort zone, and be adaptable to all situations. We learned to trust ourselves and have the ability to be your own map and compass. We learned it's ok to get lost, because you will always find your way home, and along the way, you'll stumble on something new. We learned to become more confident in ourselves and learn to have pride in the simple accomplishments. We learned to be thankful, humble and appreciative of where we live and how we were raised. Most of all, we learned that although the world is big, no matter who you are or where you are from, we all have the same goal; to find happiness.  Every small interaction and random conversations changed our perspective and was placed in our life for a reason. If you open your ears, eyes and your heart, you can learn a lesson from everyone you meet.

So there it is. Just a tiny glimpse of why Florence is my favorite place in the world and why it will always have a piece of me. Thank you Florence for all the immeasurable gifts and joys you have brought to my life. I will be back…that’s a promise.

Until the next big adventure…

Tutto il mio amore

Baci e abbracci

Monday, April 28, 2014

Once upon a time..

The last we left off, I had just gotten back from Greece and still had a month and a half left in Italy. Since then, a lot of traveling and excitement has happened! Now, I have been to Prague, Sicily, Siena, San Gimignano, Padova, Lake Garda, Venice, Pisa and Cinque Terre, my family has come and gone, my brother is engaged and I only have 19 days left in Italy. Wow. What? When? How? Where did time go?!

 Lately, all that has been on my mind is the concept of time. I've always been told that as you get older, times goes by faster and the years fly by quicker. Not like I'm crazy old, I'm only 21, but since when did I become old enough to live across the world and travel by myself, lead my parents around a different country, have a brother who is getting married and be a soon to be senior in college. It's surreal that these millstones in life, I eagerly day dreamed about in high school are finally here. The closer I get to leaving my Italian fantasy, the closer I become to reality.

At first, I can say, the thought of going back to Buffalo was depressing. So depressing. However, being away from Buffalo, and the USA for that matter, has given me a greater appreciation for the life I have and the place I call home. Although, I don't see myself living permanently in Buffalo, my life for right now, is in Buffalo. I have degrees to finish, dancing, my students, work and my family to get back to. I choose to see this coming year as the last chapter of my college saga. This study abroad experience has been the climax of my story, and now from there, I need my happy ending. My motivated nature, has been even more revved up and I'm ready to take all the knowledge, independence, positivity and confidence that I've found from these past few months and take them with me as I finish my last year of school and step into my next great adventure. Real life. I know I'm not the only college student or "20 something" to feel this way, but I'm truly excited to see what comes next. I took a big leap of faith by coming to Italy by myself and that feeling of excitement, fear and anxiety right before I got onto the airplane was the most liberating feeling I've ever experienced. I know that right after college is going to feel like getting on that airplane all over again, but I'm ready and eager. It's time.

Sorry, diary entry over…

I have had such incredible and unexpected travel experiences these past few weeks. My friends laugh at me and say that every place I go is my "new favorite place," but how can it not be?! It's something new and different, not to mention beautiful. My eyes don't even know what to do with themselves anymore for all the beauty I've seen!

Prague {Praha}- Everyone was right, a hidden gem! The best way to describe Prague would be a mix between Germany and Paris. There was a lot of history, incredible architecture, beautiful views, sweet people and amazing food. Pretty sure I gained 10lbs easy here! They are known for sweet bread, hot wine, sausage, potato dumplings, goulash, meat, fried cheese and more beer than you know what to do with! Highlight of my trip would be the Lennon Wall, which is a symbol of freedom and rebellion against the communist during the 80's and John Lennon was used as the symbolic figure of peace. The wall is filled with art, different quotes, love letters and any other symbols of peace. I really loved Prague, especially in the spring with all the Easter festivities and would recommend going there if you ever get a chance! 

Sicily {Catania, Giardini Naxos, Etna, Taormina}- 
The beauty of Italy continues to amaze me. I loved this trip because there was such a variety. We had the history and food in Catania (holy cannoli), beautiful beach scene in Giradini Naxos, outdoorsy and hiking up Mt. Etna (FYI the second largest active volcano in the world) and beauty and scenic views in Taormina. The weather was beautiful the entire time and all the people were soooo stunning. No wonders all the American Sicilians I know are so gorgeous ;)

Family in Italia { Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Padova, Lake Garda and Venice}-
Having my family here was definitely a highlight of my trip, for many reasons, but also the most stressed I've been since my time here! In Bologna style, it was such a hassle for them to get here! They were denied in Toronto trying to get to France because their passports expired in 90 days or less and you can't travel to certain countries if your passport is in between 60-90 days of expiration. Well no one knew this or told them this, so strike one. Luckily, they got their passports expedited (also stressful because it all depended on time) and got on the next flight out of Toronto to Florence. Of course, they "land" in Florence and can't land because of high winds, and have to drive from Bologna to Florence, strike two. The humdinger, my brother was supposed to propose to his girlfriend in Paris and this entire time we all knew he was planning on proposing in Paris and the poor kids plan was crushed, strike three. After that absolute craziness, the rest of their time here was such a blast! I loved showing my family around Florence, it was so surreal to show them where I live and guiding my family (my dad struggled with this one) around the city! I showed them all the touristy sites, did lots of shopping and ate amazingggg meals. We travled to Siena for a day trip and then went to San Gimignano for a wine tour (such a blast). This was my favorite day because both places were so stunning, it was the perfect "Under the Tuscan Sun" view.

It was also my favorite because San Gimignano is where…. My brother and Jessica got engaged!! Eek!! Yayy! So happy!! I need to quickly say, they have my favorite love story because Jessica is my moms childhood best friends daughter! So, in a slight way, they were meant to be together! I couldn't love Jess more and I'm so blessed that she is going to be my sister. My brother is the happiest and his best version of himself when he is with her and that makes me love her even more. Our entire family couldn't be happier for this addition to our crazy, Ziggy and loud Bologna family! Plus, I LOVE weddings and love LOVE and I will go into full wedding mode when I get home! So happy my brother found his fairytale ending!

We spent Easter weekend in Padova, Lake Garda and Venice with my Italian Bologna family! This was truly one of the best weekends. I love being surrounded by family, and being with them in Italy made it even more precious. I feel so truly blessed to have spent time in Italy with my Italian cousins, not once, but twice. I couldn't love them more and it made my experience that much more unique and special. Now, it's their turn to come to the states! We promised each other it wouldn't be another 10 years!

More of Italy {Pisa and Cinque Terre} This past weekend, I explored more of Italy and went to Pisa and Cinque Terre. Pisa was actually a really cute town, I kept saying a very mini version of Florence and the tower was actually leaning (go figures). It was a little like the Mona Lisa, anticlimactic, because I pictured it being so big. But, I got the picture! Cinque Terre was beyond breathtaking. The 5 islands all had something different to offer and had the most incredible views. The only downfall was the torrential rain the entire time, but this is definitely someplace worth going back to because it was perfect.

Coming soon…

This coming weekend I go to Croatia! Yayyy! I'm so excited for this trip and to be on the beach, go on a boat and swim in a waterfall!

The next weekend, (aka my last hurrah), is in Amalfi Coast. I've been looking forward to this trip since January and it's bitter sweet that it's finally here!

This is so crazy to say, but that next weekend I leave for home. Woah. Now talk about bitter sweet.

We can't talk about that just yet! I still have 3 weeks to live up abroad!

Until next time…

Baci e abbracci

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mama Mia, here I go again...

Let my adventure continue…

I can't believe I'm writing this with only a month and a half left in Italy! Of course my quickest semester of college is the one when I'm abroad! Go figures!

Although, my journey is not totally over yet, this experience has been life changing and eye opening on so many different levels. I was just talking with my best friend, Gemma, about how crazy the difference a few months can make. When I was dropping her off at the airport in January, we said, when we reunite back together in May, everything would be different. I personally feel like a totally different person. My thoughts are clearer and I've learned to be content. Content with myself, my journey and Gods plan. Having this incredible privilege to travel has been a humbling experience and made me realize just how truly blessed I am. I really do feel like the luckiest and happiest girl. I can't stop smiling!

I apologize for the momentary sappiness. I needed to have my Eat, Pray, Love moment. Back to the travels…

This past week I was island hopping in Greece for 10 days for my Spring Break. First of all, I even got a Spring Break? Whattt?! Not like I'm not working hard at school, but it's crazy to be given a vacation, when you feel like you are on a permanent vacation. Second, GREECE! Hello! Ever since I've watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Lena fell in love with Costa's in Santorini, Greece moved its way up to number one on my bucket list! I can't believe I finally experienced it!

After what seemed like years of traveling via boat, bus, and ferry, the trip was broken into three different locations:

Corfu- Classic College Spring Break

This was your typical (not so typical) Spring Break trip. We were right on the beautiful beach, overlooking the brilliant blue waters and everyone was laying out, drinking and shivering just to catch a ray of sun. At night, the hotel turned into a night club, which was a blast. The coolest light effects. On the second day, we went kayaking to the top of this rock fixture in the middle of the water. This may be one of my favorite experiences thus far. It was stunning, I can't even believe it was real life-it looked like something out of a magazine. Unfortunately, I couldn't take my camera because it would have gotten wet, but the view was unreal. Once we got to the top of the rock, we sat and ate lunch overlooking all of Corfu. I wish I could have brought everyone I know with me. That night was the famous Pink Palace Toga party. Everyone came dressed in their pink togas and the night was filled with greek dancing and plate smashing. Yes, I got a plate smashed over my head. Oppa! On the last day it rained, but it was actually a great day filled with girl talk, bonding and resting. Girl talk is always good for the soul.
Traveling onward, we took a ferry to…

Athens-Zues, Acropolis, Saganaki 

I feel like I didn't have the typical tourist trip to Athens because when we arrived, it was Greek Independence day. This was so cool because we got to see the parade and all of Greek armed forces, but, it also put a slight damper on the trip because most historic monuments were closed. We were given a walking tour around the city and I kept thinking about Hercules and how I was in his stomping ground, which was pretty awesome (and probably only something I would think). We walked to the top of the Acropolis and then walked to the top of the rock, which overlooked all of Athens. It was remarkable. The rest of the afternoon we spent shopping- I got personalized leather sandals made by the Poet in Athens, who has made shoes for Sara Jessica Parker, Jackie Kennedy, Barbara Streisand and John Lennon! I LOVE them! I also ate a lot of traditional greek food: Tzatziki (on literally everything), Grape Leaves, Fava (Hummus), Sagnaki (Fried Cheese aka the best thing you will ever eat), Gyros (pronounced euro), Greek salad and Souvlaki's. All so yummy! That night we took another ferry to…

Santorini- The most beautiful place in the world

Santorini is perfection. It is a quaint small town with a beachy feel. All the locals are so friendly and mostly everything is family owned. The hotel we stayed at was like a mini Greek home, it was adorable. I loved walking around the town, going into all the little shops. I bought a lot of pretty souvenirs, mostly things with the Evil Eye, a Greek symbol to ward away evil, enemies and bring luck to the owner of the eye. Interesting tidbit. The first night we watched the sunset in Fira. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen (until Oia). We ate dinner watching the sunset fall over the water, I wish I had been on a date it was so romantic! The next day we spend laying out on the Black Sand Beach. I did not go in the water because the waves were crazyyy, but the weather was perfect and I loved just sleeping on the beach (my happy place). That night we went to Oia, the famous white houses with blue tops. I can't put into words how stunningly breathtaking this sunset and view was. I could sit and stare at it for hours, months, years and never get sick of it. Also, so very romantic and a slight bummer to be standing there by yourself, but someday, this is the ultimate couples vacation spot! Anyone looking to purpose to someone in the future, this would be the spot! To finish of the trip, the next day I got fishy pedicures (just like the Kardashian's) and I rode a donkey! Well, I didn't ride it because they looked sad and treated poorly, so I gave them so love and then opted for just a picture.

To end the trip we traveled back to Athens for a hot second (literally 4 hours), then back on the boat to Italy (26 hours)! The traveling could have been pretty awful, but I loved the group of girls I was with, we bounded like no other and I was with my best friend Ericka's friends from her hometown in South Carolina! They are so fun and sweet and I felt like I had my BFF with me. There you go Mingy, there was your shout out! 

Overall, Greece was AMAZING. I will 100% be back.

The rest of this week has been recovery from a week of festivities. I was actually lucky enough to have a taste of home and have dinner with my ballet teacher Ms. Maris and her husband Richard (who I have known since I was a baby). I can't say I'm home sick, but it's always nice to be surrounded by loved ones, and people you are familiar with,
especially when you are forced to be out of your comfort zone so often when traveling.

Coming soon: This weekend I go to PRAGUE! Someplace I never imagined I would be visiting, but I could not be more excited. I've heard it's one of Europe's hidden gems!

The next weekend I go to Sicily with my school, which I'm very excited for! The weather will be beautiful and we get to visit Pompeii!

Anddd not to get too eager, but in exactly 13 days, the Bologna's take on Florence!!! YAY FAMIGLIA! I'm so excited to show my Dad, Mom, Brother and his Girlfriend Jessica around Florence and travel around Italy with them. And obviously give them huge hugs! Happy, happy, happy!

That's all for now.

Until next time,

Baci e abbracci 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cheers to Family, Birthdays, Adventure and Ziggy's

                          Where do I begin to put these past two weeks into words? 

I feel like after every trip, every night out, every week here, I continue to say, "It was the best ever, I've never been happier." As I sit back reflecting on everything I've experienced the past two weeks, I can simply say, I'm blessed. I’m blessed beyond measure. How lucky was I to be able to spend a weekend in Giovinazzo, Bari where my Bologna and Lorusso relatives originated, spend my 21st birthday week celebrating in Florence, then go to London for my birthday weekend! How did I end up in this dream? Better question, how do I never wake up?!

       For starters, In the beginning of last week I was going to title this blog post, Running, Dancing, Walking, Limping or The "Ziggy" Chronicles.  First let me explain that I will throw around the word Ziggy a lot and if you know me, you are very familiar with this world and unfortunately by nature, fall under the umbrella as a Ziggy. Ziggy was a cartoon character in the 70's and was just this poor little guy that couldn't get it right and anything that could go wrong, would go wrong. It's almost like a secret curse on my family (and our closest friends-you know who you are), however we embrace it fully and have decided to unite together and be some of the best people you will ever meet.

The casual x-ray of my foot..No break though!
         So to continue with my ziggyness and explain the limping, Two weeks ago I started my week in the doctors office, icing my foot, wearing an ankle brace and getting x-rays because I was unable to walk on my left foot without the worst shooting pain. Comparable to a rock being shoved right through your skin. Not fun. In Europe, all you do is walk and anyone familiar with Florence knows there are cobble stone streets, which adds a greater level of difficulty. I've been walking at my normal rapid-fire speed everyday, and when I go on my excursions, I run through the city to see everything possible in 3 days. The last day of Paris did me in, and for a full week after, my foot was pretty messed up. I can report that it’s much better than it was, still not 100%, but now I think I just have tendinitis in my foot. Great. 
On a positive note, when I spent the day in an Florence clinic, I was working with doctors who speak zero English, so I was able to work on my Italian! I also learned that although, the cute shoes that match the outfit always seem more appealing, I have to chose comfort.

So after that ever so slight set back, I was ready to have two of the best weeks of my life!

 Famiglia per sempre:

This was a life changing experience. You know those moment’s people refer to in books and movies- this was it for me. The three days in Bari was incredible because I was shown a new meaning of family, unconditional love and had a once in a lifetime cultural experience. From the moment I was picked up at the airport by 20 gleeful Bologna’s, I felt engulfed by love. It was an indescribable feeling. After 10 years of not seeing each other, it was like no time had passed. I instantly felt a connection and that unique family bond.
In Bari at 10 then at 20!
         The weekend continued to be one big celebration of family, and our family roots. We walked around the streets of Giovinazzo, while my Dad’s comical and loveable cousins Enzo and Felice gave me a history lesson on everything. I was shown exactly where my great grandparent lived, my grandparent’s first house together and paraded to every single one of my families’ homes (which were seconds within each other and perfectly acceptable to just waltz into). I love that the entire family lives so close to each other. The whole time I wished my family wasn't spread all over the states and that we lived closer.

On Friday, I went to my Uncle Michael’s house, the younger brother of my grandfather and when we saw each other, there was not a dry eye in the room. This man, who was a replica of my grandfather, spoke barely any English and with just the look in his eye and the way he grabbed my hand and hugged me, said it all. He was asking me how his brother was and sending all his love through me; the closest person to his brother. Sadly, they have not seen each other in 10 years and truthfully, will most likely never be able to travel to see each other again. Thinking about that
My dads cousins and my great Uncle Michael
single moment will always make me emotional because having a sibling, who I consider my best friend, I could not imagine being unable to see him for years on end. It was a true testament to love, because I've never seen love displayed in such a simple way, yet be so powerful. I will never forget that moment.

For the rest of the weekend, everything we did, we did as a big group. I can say I truly felt like a celebrity with the crowd of people around me! I stayed at my Cousin Felice's house with his wife and my second cousins Annamarie and Eliana. Annamarie was my angel the entire weekend. She is fluent in English and currently working on her fifth language (if only my brain functioned like that), but she translated for everyone the whole time! I'm shocked her brain didn't explode at the rate and speed all of my family and I talk! My Dad’s cousin Enzo, was the activities director and I was woken by his smiling face, full of energy, ready to go for the day, every morning. His family laughs at him because he is so punctual, but he genuinely is one of the best people you will ever meet. 

 Trulli Village with my beautiful cousins
         On Saturday we went to Alberobello, Puglia to see the Trulli Village (aka Smurf land). It was so cool to see these little huts that were hundreds of years old and that actual Italians live in! Plus, it is another part of Italy I can say I've been to! That night we all went out to a Pizzeria where 30+ people greeted us. I felt so overwhelmed by my families love. I could not stop smiling. I attempted to give a toast in my broken Italian (Of course Anna translating every word), but I could not possibly put into words how thankful, blessed and special I felt. Truly, it is such a happy memory.

Send off at the airport. Voi voglio bene.

My send off consisted of walking around Giovinazzo, seeing the historic spots and me trying to reenact pictures I've taken 10 years ago. We had another huge lunch, this time, with even more family. I've never received so many hugs and kisses before! Back to the airport, I had another big group of people around me. I’m never good with goodbyes, but I couldn’t control the tears. It was mostly because I was so happy and I could feel the presence of my family and felt my grandmother smiling down on me from the heavens. I have such a greater appreciation for family now. I have a very close family, but it’s different in America. We are all so busy; busy making a living and working hard to support our families, but it’s very rare that we are able to spend quality time together. American’s may be rich with “things,” but Europeans know how to enjoy the simple things in life and embrace every minute with their loved ones. I know life gets busy, but this made me want to put more effort into keeping the connection with my family in Philadelphia, Texas, Boston and Buffalo and make it a point to see each other at least once a year!

Go Girl it's your Birthday {21}: 

Happy 21st Birthday Bri!
     Not only was last week my 21st birthday, but it was my new good friend Bri’s! The festivities began Monday night, because Bri turned 21 at midnight and we were both surprised with a mini birthday party by our little “Florence family.” They were so cute and set up the apartment with banners, party hats and gelato cake. To be more accurate, our party hats said “Birthday B*tch”. The rest of the week we continued the celebration with dancing, drinking lots of wine and eating too many pastries! I don’t know how real college kids live this life of going out every night and getting up early for class. Now I get the whole struggle bus thing. 

Chicago, California, New York..Love my new friends

     Wednesday night, I came home from classes and my three roommates had cleaned the apartment, decorated it and were being little housewives and making tons of cute appetizers. We were having an Apertivo, an Italian tradition of wine and small snacks before going out at night. The 5 of us prepared a large (and impressive, if I do say so myself) spread and quickly got ready to be the hostesses with the most! I love parties, I love people and I love celebrating! Almost 30 people showed up to our apartment, all dressed up, with appetizer in hand. It was SO fun; this was the most fun night I have had in Florence thus far. Everyone was so happy and it was overwhelmingly sweet that so many people came out to celebrate both mine and my other friend Marcella’s 21st

When midnight came along on March 6th, I was officially 21! Finally, no more worries about getting into clubs and bars with all my friends who are over 21 and now I can go out and dance when I’m home without a care! Shout out to Brittany, Bridget, Laura, Twinny and Rachael…Finally!!! It was never the alcohol that bothered me, it was not being able to go out and dance! The night was filled with lots of dancing and me prancing through the cobble stone streets with the biggest smile on my face. Easily, the best birthday ever!

London Calling: 

Big Ben and Red Telephone Booth

On my birthday, after classes we left for London! For me, my top 5 places have always been: Italy, Spain, Paris, London and Greece. This was another check off the bucket list and I couldn’t have been more excited to be traveling with my amazing roommate, ironically named Ally (Blonde Ally). We may or may not have almost missed our flight to London… I had never been more determined, for the mere fact that it was my birthday, to get onto a plane. We ran as if in a marathon and got on the plane in just enough time to buckle our seat belts and take off. I fist pumped when I sat down and did an extra sign of the cross. Ziggy. Turns out Ally is a Ziggy too...go figure!

Tower Bridge
The rest of the weekend was INCREDIBLE. I can’t stress enough how much I loved London, for a matter of fact; I want to live there someday. I love the atmosphere, the city life, the history, the people, their accent and just their general way of living. The Ali/y’s and our friend Anna from school took London by storm. We saw almost everything in a matter of 3 days. We did not stop walking from 9am-10pm everyday. It was so worth it because we were able to see: Portobello Market (my favorite and where we got authentic Fish and Chips), London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Borough Market (I could have spent the whole trip trying different food here), Changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, London Eye (The Ferris wheel that overlooks all of London), Convent Garden, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Harrods (every women’s heaven), Platform 9 ¾ (All my HP fans out there), Abbey Road and Camden Street (So cool, you could have spent days here). To add to the amazing site seeing, we also had the most beautiful weekend! It finally felt like Spring! 

 To sum it up, London stole my heart and I will be back!

         Once again, I apologize for the extremely long novel, but there was so much excitement and happiness in the past 2 weeks, I couldn’t not share! I want to give a shout out to all my amazing friends and family, near and far, new and old, for making me feel so special for my birthday. I’m truly blessed with the people who surround me and couldn’t possibly feel any luckier. Also, thank you Mom and Dad allowing me to study abroad and giving me the best present I could have ever received. I’ve never been happier!

Coming to a theatre near you: This upcoming weekend, my best friend from Clarence, Billy, who is studying in Spain, is coming to visit me in Florence and we are going to the eternal city, ROMA! Wahoo can’t wait to have my Lizze McGuire moment and throw my penny into the Trevi Fountain again. 

Fun fact: When I was 10 and threw in my penny, I wished to come back to Italy. Hmm, look at that! 

Next week are midterms( Yes, I’m actually here for school), but then that next weekend I leave for GREECE for Spring Break and 10 days of island hopping!!! Ahhhhh I can’t wait, it doesn’t even seem real yet. Sun, sand, fish, Greek salad, Tzatziki, blue and white houses and Mediterranean food..all of my favorite things in one!

I feel like I have been nonstop since I have gotten here and I’ve been thrown into a whirlwind of traveling, adventure and excitement. I’m living on usually, no sleep (which is normal for me), but it doesn’t seem to bother me here. I don’t want to miss anything and want to say I’ve done it all. My cousin Enzo told me our family motto that my great grandmother used to say is:

“C vú frché u vcen cult sub e ialzt d maten”

 Meaning, "If you want to live a better life than your neighbor, go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than him." I can’t say I go to sleep earlier, and I’m not trying to “beat” anyone in the game of life, but I do live my life to the fullest and I "go go go until I can’t go no more." This gives me personal satisfaction because I know I’m not missing out on anything and working hard for myself in order to enjoy my future. After hearing this quote, it makes sense why all of my family is like this! 

Until next time..

All my love

Baci e Abbracci