Hopefully as time goes on, I can add more "hellos" to my list from the new and different countries I travel to, but anyways, Welcome to my blog! Wahoo- I finally decided to make one!
Now, before you start to read or think this will be remotely interesting, intriguing or "cool", let me assure you, this will not be some prolific work of literary art that moves you to tears and inspires you to reach new heights-Unfortunatly, I'm not Elizabeth Gilbert and I don't claim for this to be the next Eat, Pray, Love (I love that book, totally not putting it down). I look at this as a compile of my thoughts, ideas and most importantly my adventures through life. I'm like any normal 20 (soon to be 21, woot woop) year-old, trying to get a grasp on life, figuring out how not to live in a card board box someday and still feed my addiction for lipstick, nail polish, shoes and gelado.
So, now that I just wasted 2 minutes of your life with that little rant, the main reason we are here is because I'm currently studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I still have to pinch myself when I say that because, it is a dream come true. As soon as I heard of the notion of studying abroad in college, that's all I've told anyone I wanted to do- " I don't know where I want to go to school, but I know I'm going to study abroad." Besides the dreams and passion I have for dance, traveling is a very very close second. I've dreamed of seeing the world for 20 years. I think it's because I'm easily intrigued and admire different cultures. I love meeting new people and hearing everyones story. If you aren't open to meeting new people and doing new things and taking a risk at least once a day, you limit yourself to all that life has to offer. Sorry sorry sorry, I went all "inspirational" on you, but I truly feel that way. Life is too short to not take the adventure…there I go again.
I've been in Italy, my homeland, (if you can't tell by the last name, I'm very Italian- a city is actually named after my family…really) for almost a month now. Wow! That is so crazy to say I have lived in Europe for a month! So surreal. I can assure you, that I am having the time of my life. You sincerely can't wipe the smile off my face. I'm a pretty happy person all the time, but I've never been this happy in my entire life. It's like extreme happiness! It feels like the stars have aligned and everything has finally come together and started to work out/ make sense- for those of you who really know me, know that I needed this "college experience". I feel overwhelming blessed and so unbelievably lucky. You don't know how good you have it, until you were at your lowest and because I have had the "atypical" college experience, I'm so grateful for this. I thank God everyday, several times a day for giving me the best parents in the world, the most amazing family, friends and support system, this once in a lifetime opportunity, making the world so beautiful and obviously, every time I have gelado.
I should have probably started this blog a little sooner, but I will list my top 5 favorite moments thus far to give a quick recap:
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Family Dinner! |
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Ponte Vecchio |
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Chanel |
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Barre Class |
4. I've been able to take a step back and just enjoy myself for once in my life because normally I'm on the go 24/7. I've been trying to embrace the Italian lifestyle (Although, giving up my coffee on the go has been difficult--I miss you Tim Hortons)! I've been able to get a little taste of home and started to take dance classes with my new and beautiful friend Luigi. He has been so helpful and a little angel making me feel comfortable and allowing me to dance while I'm here. How cool, now I can say I've danced in two European countries! I've also started to teach volunteer Barre classes and Yoga classes at school! Shout out to Barre Centric and Power Yoga Buffalo! I'm used to teaching dance classes every night, so it's nice to teach my new friends and share my passions with them!
Dancing in Paris |
5. This is the cake topper of them all, my travels. They are the best part. The first weekend here I went wine tasting in the Chianti Vineyards in Tuscany. Holy molly, was it beautiful. Breathtaking is more like it. And the wine, ahhh so good! I even was given a lesson on how to taste wine properly #pureclass. The next weekend I went to Verona, Italy for Verona in Love Valentines Day Celebration. I love, Love and I was the happiest human watching every couple share Valentines day together in celebration. It was great, I touched Juliet's boob (which means I will have good luck and eternal love in my relationship ;)), there was free wine and chocolate and confetti cannons filled with paper hearts. It was magical. This past weekend, I was in PARIS! Bonjourrrrr, Bienvenue, Merci, J' taime, Channel Eiffel Tower, Crepes, Croissants, Macaroons, Notre Dame, Love Lock Bridge, The Louvre, Sainte- Chapelle, Arc de Triomphe. It was all wonderful and perfect! I was also able to share it with one of my dear and oldest friends/sister/ dance family members, my friend from work and her roommate/ my new BFF. We had a blast and laughed (at my expense) the entire time, but it was unreal. I would be lying if I said tears didn't fill my eyes when I first saw the Eiffel Tower.
Well, now that I wrote a novel... I'm pretty sure a blog is supposed to be short and sweet, but I write/talk/think a lot, so sorry! This is my virtual diary also, so a little selfish in that sense.
I will start posting my weekly updates of my days in Firenze (what we locals call Florence) and weekend trips around Europe!
Coming Soon: Weekend in Bari, Italy with my second cousins and the "Italian Bologna's", who I have not seen in 10 years since my last trip to Italy!! I'm SO excited and blessed to have such a giving family and their hospitality and generosity for my stay. Family, is Family, not matter the distance. Also, in two weeks I will finally be legal! Not like it matters here, but instead of going crazy for my 21st, I decided to go have tea and crumpets with the Queen, Prince William and Kate in London. Yes, I will be in London for my 21st. Happy Birthday to Me!!
That's all for now bella amici. Hopefully, I put a smile on your face!
Until next time…
Baci e abbracci
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